Sunday 21 February 2010

Effective tools in network marketing

Yet they seldom quit!

Ever wonder why one person succeeds & another fails in MLM? Or why anyone has large success in a company, then leaves, goes someplace else, & seldom, ever again duplicates that success? Or why some people spend 5, 10, even 20 years in network promotion with NO success...

This Gizmo Can Change Your Life

Or how an industry that does so lots of things so wrong can still be so popular \.\.

On December 12, 2004, our team released the ebook "Success In 10 Steps", the story of what they have learned from 26 years in MLM.

The feedback has been astonishing.

That was my story.

People say, "I could have written that book!

Back in 1991, my mentor was making full-time income from MLM.

Why did you steal my story? How could you know exactly what I went through?"

They retired from that company & actually joined over 100 network promotion companies in the next few years, to figure out how this industry works: the lovely, the bad, the ugly.

Here's what they did:
1. Got on dozens of company conference calls
2. Organized & categorized companies, products, compensation designs, distributor kits, & promotion materials to compare each company with all the others
3. Studied their business models, to understand what kind of behavior sure business models drove
4. Studied how different "upline gurus" trained (or did not train) their people

This technique answered all the mysteries. It also revealed some valuable, valuable secrets about network promotion.

Example #1:

The hard-driving, closing salesperson is about 8% of the population. & those 8% have convinced the other 92% that the 8% are right & the 92% are wrong.

How did they do that?

92% of the world's population is sales-resistant.

Because that is what THEY do. It works for them, so they have total confidence they are right, & when you feel their confidence, you KNOW they must be right, so you do what they tell you.

They do not like to be sold, & they do not require to become that pushy, aggressive salesperson nobody likes. Yet when they join MLM, some upline leader tells them,

"Make a list of your friends & relatives. Call them up. Get 'em in to the business. You require to listen to 100 'No's for every 'Yes'.

It still only works for the 8%.

Guess what?

If you let them mesmerize you, you can wander aimlessly in the "failure" desert for years...

Perhaps forever.

You cannot become something you detest in order to be successful. This model works for the 8% who are real salespeople.

The Choice Is Yours

A bad business model.

It is a disaster for the rest of us...

Example #2:

Every person on the planet has to be educated in the skills of what they are doing.

Whether you are a doctor, carpenter, plumber, ditch digger \.\. whatever you are... You have got to be taught the skills of that business.

& what "Success In 10 Steps" does for people is, it gets them to realize,

They weren't bad people. They weren't lying to you intentionally. They didn't know any other way to do the business.

It is not your fault! The people teaching you didn't know any better.

& you go down & join a company, receive a distributor kit for 50 bucks, & you are a doctor?

Do you think you can wake up one morning & say, "I'm going to be a doctor!"

How about a carpenter?

Of work not. That is ludicrous.

You must be taught the skills. Yet people get in network promotion, & they are told,

No way. You must learn pitches & square & level & plumb.

Network promotion is not a sales business.

"Call your friends & relatives." It is the biggest fallacy in the industry.

It is a teaching & mentoring business.

When you build people, people will build your business. Those upline guru leaders will tell you,

"Well, you didn't make phone calls. You are a loser. If it is to be, it is up to me." Have you heard all that stuff?

I bet you believed it, , haven't you?

Why This Ebook Is Such a Hot Gizmo For Building Your Business

So the ebook opens people's eyes to the fact that they have been lied to. You must do your business with people who WANT to be in business with you. You must sell product to people who LOVE the product & require to buy it. That only comes through target promotion.

They learned early-on about targeted promotion.

Only talk to people who have raised their hand & require what you have.

They are divulging some critical information. The business is not working for them.

Well, guess what? EVERY person who downloads "Success In 10 Steps" is trying to figure out why MLM is not working for them. When you call them up, they could be in a company already. They could be working the business a year or 2 or 5, 7, 10 years. But why would they download that ebook?

They require to figure out what the problem is. & they are looking to you for help. THAT is the basis of a long-term relationship, & THAT is the effect you can generate with "Success In 10 Steps."

See for yourself. Download your copy now.


doaa nile7 said...

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تقدم شركة صقور الدمام خدمة الكشف عن تسربات المياه فى المنزل بافضل الاجهزة الحديثة والمتطورة التى تعمل فى البحث عن الاماكن المصابة بتسربات المياه والمواسير المكسورة تعتبر شركة صقور الدمام من افضل واجود وارخص شركات كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام حيث انها تضم ايدى عاملة ماهرة ذوى كفاءة وخبرة كبيرة فى هذا المجال وتمتلك الشركة افضل واحدث الاجهزة اللمانية والايطالية التى تستخدم فى تحديد الاماكن المصابة بتسربات المياه داخل جدران المنزل او المطابخ ، او الحمامات فالشركة قادرة بالفعل على اصلاح كافة مشاكل وعيوب تسربات مياه المطبخ والحمام ،

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لماذا شركة صقور الدمام افضل شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام ؟
لان لديها متخصصون مدربون ذوى كفاءة وخبرة كبيرة فى مجال كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام
تمتلك افضل واحدث الاجهزة الالمانية والايطالية المتطورة التى تعمل فى هذا المجال
تضم ايدى عاملة ماهرة متخصصون فى اصلاح كافة عيوب تسربات المياه
لها سمعة طيبة فى هذا المجال وسط الشركات الاخرى
لها مصداقية وتاريخ واعمالها بالضمان
سعرها مناسب ومتناول للجميع

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