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Wednesday, 6 May 2009

product innovations for audio

Once entrepreneurs and solo-professionals get the idea they can writeproduct  audio their own ticket with self-produced audio products, they get excited. Really excited.

And that’s the rub.

Because folks that are excited have a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Which is good. But they also are hell bent on squandering that energy on any idea that comes to mind. Which is not so good.

Because, the worst place to make a mistake is right at the beginning of your journey. And a mistake in the early stages of your product creation career can not only sink that first project, but discourage you from EVER producing anything again.

There are Seven Blatant Blunders that novice audio product creators make repeatedly. And while these aren’t the only pitfalls you’ll have to watch out for, they are the ones that will rear up when you least expect it, to bite you on the you-know-where:

BLATANT BLUNDER #1 -- What I Want, Not What They Want

If making money was not a reality of business, we could produce anything we want. But, for most of us, making money is crucial. I can’t remember the last time my landlord accepted my good intentions and sweet smile as payment in full.

Still, its shocking to see how many folks ignore this fact when choosing their first products. They’ve often had a dream or a fantasy of just what they would create if they only knew how.

But once they learn how, they forget that it takes two to tango. And if your market does not share your dream, you’re going to end up with an expensive failure.

Look, I’m not saying to pander to the lowest common denominator to make a buck. I am saying you need to find the happy meeting point between what you do best, what you love to do, and what your market is willing to buy BEFORE you decide on your first product.


While people are often terrified of recording audio, once they learn how easy it can be, the pendulum swings in the other direction. Suddenly, even a Steven Spielberg extravaganza looks too small.

The best thing you can do for your production career is to start small. Do whatever you can to get a modest project out there quickly, even if it means doing a 15-minute free program that you give away at your speaking engagements.

Confidence is contagious. The best way to build confidence is to get your first recording out the door and seeing the happy smiling faces of people who snap it up. Get focused – get simple – and get something done.

And leave the multi-part mini-series for later.


True, simply creating a decent product will raise your profile in the eyes of your customers.

But it won’t get you on Oprah.

Many first-time producers just don’t get that simply producing great audio does not assure success. You have to make sure those who can benefit from it KNOW just how valuable it is, making the cost of NOT buying it seem much higher than the cost of buying it.

For many folks their dream of success included an appearance on Orpah.

The good news is that you can make a boatload of money without getting within a thousand mile radius of her show. And the energy of that fantasy can best be channeled towards achieving more down to earth goals.

True – if you build it, they will come. But they may NOT come in sufficient number to make it worth your while. Focus on what you can do NOW. And leave Oprah for later.


I always tell my clients “Ask not what you can do for your audio, ask what AUDIO CAN DO FOR YOU.”

However, most folks get stuck right at the start by asking “What project should I produce?” When the question they should be asking is “What do I want this project to accomplish for my business?” Is it building a huge mailing list? Is it creating sales on your website? Is it having a substantial product to sell at your live appearances? Or is it having a bonus to entice folks to sign up for your high end services?

Audio is not an end in itself – but a means to accomplish what you want in your business. People who try to decide what project to produce BEFORE asking what they want that project to achieve are working very hard for their audio. My suggestion is to turn the tables, put strategy FIRST, and let your audio work very hard for YOU.


An upsell is simply a way of making additional money from people who have just bought (or are in the process) of buying something else from you. For example, if you are giving a live workshop, give attendees the opportunity to purchase an additional product that builds upon what they’ve discovered in your workshop.

Because its so much easier to serve your existing raving fans than to try to earn new ones, an upsell is an effective strategy. Don’t ignore the fact that a purchase is a vote of confidence. And when people have purchased (or are in the process of purchasing) is the BEST time to add additional value by giving them a GREAT DEAL on a supplemental product.


Folks who see their audio merely as a stand alone offering, rather than a component of an entire package or bundle of products and services, are missing out on a huge portion of their profits.

Because, strange as it sounds, people are actually happier to spend more money with you if they feel they are getting a great deal. The same person who complains about the price of bread going up 20 cents, will, in the next breath, crow about the $3,000 they saved on their $50,000 Mercedes.

People love a good deal – and will happily spend a lot with you if that’s what they feel they are getting. I’m not saying you shouldn’t sell your products alone. I am saying you must ALSO look for ways you can bundle your audio products with other services.


In a perfect world, your audio would emit a secret signal, audible only to your target market, that would hypnotize them to buy. But until that’s perfected, you’re going to have to find ways to get the word out.

Fortunately, there are lots of ways to do this. Public appearances are great because audiences get a chance to sample you ‘in the flesh’. And its often a small step for them to ‘take you home with them’ by purchasing your products. Distributing free articles to build your mailing list is another time-tested way to make this happen. You can also link your audio to publicity for a book, e-book or workshop you’ve already got going.

There are many ways to get visibility for your project. And its wise to put some thought into how you’re going to do that BEFORE you record. Because the only thing worse than being all dressed up with nowhere to go, is to have 100 copies of your first CD sitting in your closet without the slightest idea of how you’re going to get them into the hands of your customers.

e-commerce orlando

In the early days, guessing was considered to be the smartest thing to e-commerce orlandodo. After all, we needed to start somewhere and develop ourselves from scratch so we were ready to find out what works and what doesn’t.

Today, guessing is the least smart thing do. In fact, it can be the most expensive thing to do in terms of time, effort and maybe money.

So, what has that got to do with you and starting your internet business? A lot!

In my experience, I cannot help but notice that most internet business novices prefer to take the guessing path even though there is a lot of uncertainty when you first step into the cyber marketplace.

I think I will probably never know why, but I believe the reason is, is that they would prefer to save the little money they have rather than to invest in the essential education they need to succeed online. Money is another subject by itself that I can’t cover in this article but I’d like you to know that it’s “time over money” and not “time is money” dogma that most of us subscribe to.

If you don’t believe me, here’s a case study for you.

Ed has $500 to spare on his internet business. He wants to start an internet business but he doesn’t know how to. He came across a $97 E-book that can teach him how to do just that, but he decided that $97 is too expensive and decides to take the free way. Ed wants to get web hosting and domain name but since buying a domain name has a price tag on it, he decides to use a free web hosting service at Yahoo! Now, Ed doesn’t know how to get started let alone recognize his available options. By luck, he’s heard about affiliate marketing and decides to be one. After a couple of months without much success, Ed decides to create his own information product but doesn’t know how to. There’s a paid guide on how one can create his own information product but decides that $37 should go to filling his stomach.

Now let’s zoom into year two, and what are the results for Ed? A lot of precious time wasted shooting in the dark, lousy results, a hole in the pocket, and maybe a swell in the pride. What an expensive price to pay for being a cheap skate!

By the way, the name Ed is a fiction. However, the case study is REAL. And I don’t know how many more people are just like Ed.

Even after a few months in business online, the internet business novices are still just that, internet business novices. This explains why we still have people complaining in public forums about not heading anywhere with their internet business even after a couple of years working online.

Is that what you really want? I don’t think anyone wants to remain an amateur for the next three years, let alone forever. Not me, that’s for sure!

I’d prefer to pay for information that can save me from doing the guesswork. You can say that in a way, I’d rather pay other people who have done the guessing for me so I can get ahead quickly. I don’t mind forking out the money as long as I get to save my own time and effort.

However, most people just don’t seem to value their time. This is evident as most novices prefer to save the few dollars they have than to invest their small sum in saving their time from guessing. This explains why we have people whining about not progressing much online even after a couple of years working online.

If you have been trying to save the few dollars you have from investing in the essential education you need to succeed online, you are guaranteed to have little or no results with so much of your precious time wasted.

So, are you going to guess in the dark or invest in your essential education to succeed in your internet business? It’s your choice from here.

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