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Monday, 4 May 2009

The Word Perfect And Emotionally in marketing

An effective sales letter is much more than a bunch of words describing what you have for sale, but judging by some of the sales messages on far too many websites, not a lot of people know that.

The ‘buy one get one free’ mentality is still alive and kicking and working overtime all over the Internet, but sadly at the expense of the English language.

A sales letter, whether written for an online product or service promotion or for print and mail, has a specific job to do. It has to sell. It’s your salesman. And it doesn’t matter how good or how bad your product or service is, the sales letter is your marketing lifeline.

It truly amazes me when some companies, who are willing to spend thousands on product development then thousands on a state of the art website, go on to fill it with snippets of grammatically flawed information and with more typos yuo cun shak a stuck at.

In my opinion, poor grammar and typing errors account for more lost sales from websites than just about any other factor. Why? Because they instantly lose you credibility. Potential customers need to feel reassured that the product you are selling is genuine. Also, that you are genuine and your business is not about ripping people off.

A poorly created sales message will tell your customers you don’t care. You don’t care about communicating with them. You don’t really care about the message on your website. So why then, would you expect them to care about enriching you by buying your products? They simply won’t.

A website sales message has to work much harder than its printed counterpart because it has less time in which to convince the prospect to buy. People tend to ‘quick scan’ website sales messages, whereas a printed letter can be read at leisure anywhere that’s convenient.

Every single website owner who is trying to sell a product or service to a customer could improve their conversion rate dramatically if they would only spend a little more time on their sales copy.

So correct grammar and spelling is the number one priority for your sales letter.

Next is the structure of the letter. Your sales message must always follow the principles of AIDA. It must attract Attention, stir Interest, instil a feeling of Desire and make a call to Action. Why? Because this formula has been tried and tested over and over and has been proven to be the perfect structure.

If you think of a sales letter as being like a song. Then think how your favourite songs make you feel. Happy, sad, upbeat or melancholy, songs are meant to stir the emotions because people like to feel moved. If a sales letter sounds like music to your customer’s ears, you’ve just chalked up another sale.

Your sales letter is your song with which you have to intriguingly introduce yourself, slowly seduce your customer and make them feel exactly the way they want. If it gets them reaching for their credit cards, it has conveyed the right tuneful words at the right time. The words of your sales letter must have the power to say it all.

We can all learn much from how music affects us. It can reflect our moods, our emotions and our wants and needs. It’s a very powerful medium that can literally make us feel happy or sad. But it is only words after all. Just words accompanied by music. The most important thing to remember is how the words of a song can affect us emotionally.

Then remember this. Every buying decision we make is based on our emotions. Understand this, and incorporate emotionally stirring words into your sales copy.

Another important aspect to consider, when writing a sales letter is, we generally buy things because we want them and not because we need them. Your sales copy has got to make your prospects want what you’re selling. Don’t try to make them feel as though they need what you’re selling. Only they will know what they need in their life.

Getting back to the song connection, if you take away the music the song (message) is still there. The music certainly helps the words flow and can help create the mood, but without the words, the meaning of the ‘piece’ is left to the imagination.

Next time you’re thinking of creating a sales letter for your website, remember to pay particular attention to the grammar and spelling. Construct your letter using the AIDA principle and think about how you might present your letter with emotion.

Nothing is more powerful than the written word.

What are the secrets of success? The advice of business leaders

Out of the bevy of reality television shows today, no TV show affects the business minds and goals of entrepreneurs everywhere more than “The Apprentice”. The show stars Donald Trump, the famous, wealthy real estate and business icon that has become a household name. Donald Trump has been in business for several decades and knows the secrets to becoming a highly successful businessman.

In the past, public indications of his success were mainly found on buildings in New York City such as Trump Towers. He has been a major player in New York City and in the business world for the past few decades. However, the general public didn’t always have intimate access to his world like they do now through “The Apprentice” television show. On the show he interviews several candidates for a highly coveted position in his company. The candidates work on various tasks over several weeks. They rely on their education and experience to help them succeed.

The candidates and any business professional would benefit from learning the secrets of Donald Trump’s success. You might not have the opportunity to be on the show, but you can listen your way to success instead. Invest in your future by listening to Trump: How to Get Rich by Donald J. Trump. Donald Trump provides valuable insights on how to become a champion in business and reap financial rewards previously unimaginable. He covers a wide range of topics from investing to hiring the best employees.

Donald Trump is not the only business guru dispensing advice and anecdotes about his personal success. Steve Jobs revitalized Apple and returned it to dominance among technology companies. Jack Welch brought General Electric to new levels of success through innovative and unique business methods. Experience their business journeys by listening to The Second Coming of Steve Jobs by Alan Deutschman and Jack: Straight from the Gut by Jack Welch.

Interested in a business success story rifled with scandal? Listening to The Rockefellers by Peter Collier will suit your fancy. The Rockefeller family created a dynasty that built a mountain of wealth, but also evoked family of problems. Learn the affects of success that were both beneficial and detrimental to the Rockefellers.

Want to hear about other entrepreneurs? Check out the Venture Voice Podcast by Gregory Galant or the InfoTalk podcast from Podtech.net. Take an inside look at how to start a business, where technology is headed and other entrepreneurial issues.

Pop in these audio books on your car drive or train commute to work. Listen while you are working on paperwork at home or exercising in the gym. Take the time to become business savvy and learn from the pros. You’ll be glad you did as your bank account swells and your business takes off.

Types of stocks and bonds

There are many types of shares in the stock market, such as (ordinary shares, and free, and excellent, and the shares, and restricted and unrestricted), and can distinguish between all these

species in the stock market as follows:

- Ordinary shares:
the title is a right of ownership of the company, and give the bearer the right to attend the annual General Assembly of the company, access to distribution if the company achieved a profit.
- Bonus shares:
which is distributed to shareholders by having the ordinary shares, and shareholders are free to increase as the company's capital, and generated by the holding parts of the company's profits; and therefore the shareholders have the right to this increase in capital.
- Preference shares:
which gives the owner additional rights not enjoyed by the ordinary shares, such as that the owner receives the primacy of shareholders to have access to the regular portion of the profits of the company, and the owner has priority in access to rights upon liquidation of the company by a shareholder regular, and after the bond holders.
- Treasury shares:
Shares which are the company to re-purchase from the market through the Stock Exchange, the shares are not entitled to distributions or voting rights during the period of its ownership of the company.
- Restricted stock:
the words and registry for the registration and classification of the stock on the stock market, whether local or global, in particular through the actions of the registry, so as to give the Stock Exchange with the rights of the rights of this restriction.
- Unquoted shares:
it is the non-registered stock exchange, whether local or global stock markets.
- Coupon stock: which is the return on the stock, and this is a profit earned by the share of investment in the company.
On the contrary, this is not a large number of many types of bonds, and we must here distinguish between bonds issued by private sector companies, government bonds; where I serve as a loan guaranteed by the investment company's financial position, and the second loan is aimed at public spending and its government.

- Bonds issued by the business:
The bonds issued by the business as a contract or agreement between the business (the borrower) and the investor (lender). Under this agreement lends a certain amount of the second party to the First Party, which vows to turn out of the cold and benefits agreed upon in specific dates. May involve other terms of the contract for the benefit of the lender, such as certain fixed assets subject to a guarantee of payment or place restrictions on the issuance of other bonds at a later date. It may also include contract terms for the borrower, such as the right to call bonds before the maturity date.

Government bonds:

Means of debt instruments, government bonds of medium-and long-term issued by the Government in order to obtain additional resources to cover the shortfall in its budget or to meet inflation.
And consider the investor to the securities issued by the Government to be more attractive; It usually has a return of tax exemption, which is rarely achieved with other financial papers. In addition, diminishing the risk of stopping the risk of payment or to postpone it. The central government can increase its financial resources to meet the debt service by issuing more banknotes or by imposing new taxes, if forced to do so.

Typically, the papers are published in the State of information on these securities, such as the date of maturity, coupon rate, and the change in purchase price than in the previous day, and the revenue that can be achieved by the investor.

Public Relations

The aim of the establishment of this administration is to create an effective channel of communication, as well as the development of information on the work of all participants in this area. This may include the exchange of information between the representatives of companies and chambers of commerce and trade missions and business of the international community and among local businessmen.

In addition, the establishment of the Department aims to create and also the distribution of studies, which means business and newspapers and periodicals and other means of communication.

And public relations department is divided into three main sections which represent the various activities and in the following manner:

(A) Department of International Relations.

(B) Section conferences and symposia.

(V) Department of internal relations.

Department of Communications Management

The Department of Communications of the most important sections of the administrative organization is the liaison between all departments and is the backbone, which is indispensable when there is work and everywhere.

Where they play a key role in controlling the effective and correspondence received and issued from the organization, as well as the proper functioning and regularity of employment and advancement, in line with the recent development and interest in order to maintain the confidentiality of work.

The Department is also to receive correspondence from all parts of the organization, and printing and delivery, as well as send and receive facsimile and telex messages and received by the organization.

And the Department is using the latest systems in the stimulation and retrieval, and with all those who tried to deal with government departments, and arbitration cases, embassies both at home and abroad, companies and individuals Badakhl and abroad, the Arab Chambers of foreign bodies, commercial banks ... Etc.

definition Management

concept of Management.
Management concept can be approached from two sides: a matter of administration and management science.

  • Management as a preocess.
Management is effective and efficient utilization of human resources, material and financial, information, ideas and time through the administrative processes of planning, organization, direction and oversight in order to achieve goals.

This resource is intended to:
1. Human resources: people who work in the organization.
2. Material resources: all that exists in the organization of the buildings, machinery and equipment ..
3. Financial resources: All amounts of money to be used for the conduct of ongoing and long-term investment.
4. Information and ideas: facts and figures, laws and regulations.
5. Time: the time available to complete the work.
6. It is intended to administrative operations:
7. Planning, organization and Altogerwalrkabp will be addressed later.

They are intended for the achievement of the objectives of the Organization

They are intended for economic use of resources: the economy in the use of resources and good use of them, and the figure below shows the relationship of resources and the administrative process and objectives to each .

  • Management as a science
Is the branch of social science which describes and analyzes and explains the phenomena and forecast management, and human behavior, which is taking place in different organizations to achieve certain objectives.

2 - Management skills
Require any director to have the following skills:

A - Conceptual Skills
Vision, such as the universality of the organization as a whole, parts of the topic and link to each other ... and so on.
This skill is required in more senior management.

B - Human Skills
In short, the ability and means to deal with others, which is equally required in all administrative levels.

C-Technical Skills
Kakedzab language skills and accounting, and computer use are required more in the lower administrative levels.

Is management science or art?

The art of management that has to be that of the Director has the ability to apply personal thoughts and theories, and intelligent management principles and tactful way reflect the experience and the experience and practice.
And management science, because we are studying in universities, the theories, principles and ideas of management and thus can be said that management is the art and science at the same time.

  • Management Fields:

There are several areas where management are applied, is applied in the public sector and so in this case, public administration and applied in the economic sector and in this case called business.

A Department of a hospital called the Department of Administration to be applied in hospitals, the Department called the hotel management which is applied in the hotels.
Thus, we note that the Department acquire the domain name in which they are applied.

If applied in the designated ministries and public administration, and if applied in the economic activities of the Department called the ... etc., and the division of administration to public administration and management of the work of one of the most important divisions, and thus try to clarify the most important differences between them in the following table:
Business Administration General Administration
Make a profit objective to provide a public service
The youngest is usually large
Economic sector and in particular the private sector and government departments such as Ministry of the area of interest or application
Board of Directors of the State policy framework
Individuals, companies, people, money, Ministry of companies, the interest, the Foundation, the form of organization
Shareholders represented in the State of its regulatory Aljhpalrkabip
Maximize the profit on the availability of the service measure of success
Here it must be pointed out that the fur of these peoples have begun to shrink and disappear.
5 - relationship with other management science:
Relationship management than the science of the most important:
- The economy.
- Psychology.
- Sociology.
- Knowledge of mathematics.
- The science of law
- Politics.
Sciences - the other.

Definition of Insurance

The term insurance can be defined in both financial and legal terms , the financial definition focuses on an arrangement that redistributes the cost unexpected losses that is , the collection of a small premium payment from all exposed and distributed to those suffering loss .

The legal definition focus on a contractual arrangement whereby on party agrees to compensate another party for losses .

The financial definition provides for the funding of the losses whereby the legal definition provides for the legally enforceable contract that spells out the legal rights , duties and obligations of all the parties the the contract .

Let’s have a look at these definitions.

In financial sense :

Insurance is a social device in which a group of individuals transfer risk on another party ( insurer) in order to combine loss experience , which permitted statistical prediction of losses and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed ( premiums) by all members who transferred risk

Bu legal sense :

A contract of insurance is a contract by which on party is consideration of the price paid to him proportionate to the risk providers security to other party that hi shall not suffer loss, damage or prejudice by the happening of certain specified events .

Insurance is meant to protect the insured against uncertain event which may cause disadvantage to him .

Life insurance however is a distinctive type insurance where there is certainty of the payment of a specified amount either on the death of the insured or an maturity of the police whichever is earlier .

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